Document No. - W24-004
Sponsor(s): Jacob Pavelka
date: 1-26-24
Sarah and Vancho gave us several recommendations during our meeting on 1/22/24. Some of their recommendations we account for already, like professional development, but others we do not account for. The thing I think we are lacking most are social opportunities.
For this reason, I propose we implement a coffee hour program where students can come and get coffee that we pay for. The students can simply come and get free coffee and leave, they can stay and work, or they can hang out and chat. We now list several aspects of this program:
Duration: The coffee hour will be hosted for one hour.
Location: for the first location, I recommend the M36 Roasters because they are close to central campus and have an online ordering system. This will make buying coffee for people easy. This cafe also has other drinks if people dont want coffee.
Logistics: This program is headed by the outreach committee, and they will be in charge of managing it. Someone from the committee will set up in the coffee shop 10 minutes early with a sign indicating we are the scientific computing club. Members can then come up to the table and order coffee from us. This will be subject to approval by the coffee shop, of course.
Frequency: This event will be held once a week on Tuesday mornings
Funding: This could be an expensive program for a large club, but given our numbers, I think this is the perfect time to implement this kind of program. If we expect 2 people to show up on average and their drinks have an average cost of $5, then the program will cost $160 per semester, which is well within our budget.