
Scientific Computing Student Club: Board Meeting Agenda

Date: 12-4-24

Time: 5:00-6:00

Zoom: 918 0508 4456

Location: online only

Board Members

CC: Communications From Committees

Agenda Item Document No. Information

GC: General Communications

A time for general news or discussions

Agenda Item Document No. Information

DC: New Business

Agenda Item Document No. Information
[DC-0] F24.002 Collaboration with Scientific Machine Learning (SciML) Seminar Group
(2st read.) Sponsor: Jacob (10/30/24)
[DC-1] F24.003 Approval of Officer Votes
(1st read.) Sponsor: Jacob (12/4/24)
[DC-2] F24.004 Approval of Winter Semester Board Meeting Schedule
(1st read.) Sponsor: Jacob (12/4/24)
[DC-3] F24.005 Approval of Winter Semester General Meeting Schedule
(1st read.) Sponsor: Jacob (12/4/24)