
Scientific Computing Student Club


Document No. - W24-010

Title: Social Media for SC2

Social media is a key tool for outreach. It is the main method people use to develop their brand/identity. I think we can start doing same. The main question about having a social media is what kind of content it will have. Some initial ideas ive had were to use it for polls and announcements. Announcements/advertisements are the obvious use, like mentioning when and where we are going to have events or making posts after events to show what they were like. However, I think polls could be a nice additional piece of content that could engage our followers. The polls could be for fun, like asking "whats the best programming language", or they could ask a trivia-like question. I am not very good at announcements/advertisements, but I think I could do the poll-related stuff well.

for i in range(n): for j in range(n): for k in range(n): c[i,j]+=a[i,k]*b[k,j]

What is the cost of this algorithm in big O notation?

O(log(n)) O(nlog(n)) O(n^2) O(n^3)